Connecting with the city

Velocipedo Torrot

Torrot, one of the world’s leading e-scooter manufactureres asked Mormedi to create a new, fully electric vehicle that responds to the unmet needs of urban users. In just 10 months, Mormedi created a vehicle from scratch, carving out a new niche in the market in the process. The Velocipedo has achieved 6,000 pre-orders vs. projected first year sales of 3,000 units.

Velocipedo 2022
What we did:
Research & Strategy, Benchmark, Best practices, Value proposition development, Design strategy, Design Concepts, 3D Models and full-scale prototype, CMF, User validation, Final design

Torrot challenged Mormedi to create a new electric vehicle specifically adapted to the real-world conditions of urban life. Mormedi sought to develop a vehicle that was attractive to people who want to find a better solution to getting around the city. The result had to be sufficiently compelling that it would persuade users of motorcycles, cars and public transportation to consider switching.


To create a real niche within urban mobility, Mormedi started by identifying the difficulties, concerns and desires of potential users. The research and strategic insight phase of the project established that the vehicle had to be truly practical: agile, safe, comfortable, connected and universally accessible. Mormedi then used these insights as the basis for an iterative design process from initial concepts through to prototyping and user testing.


Mormedi designed the Velocípedo, a three-wheeled electric, connected vehicle.

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The Velocipedo has two spacious seats protected from the outside by scissor-opening doors. Access to the rear is facilitated by the pivoting front seat.

The Velocipedo takes its design cues from traditional scooters. Bold, contemporary, and distinctive details help elevate beyond familiarity and approachability.

The Velocipedo takes its design cues from traditional scooters. Bold, contemporary, and distinctive details help elevate beyond familiarity and approachability.

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The design phase took usability and ergonomics into account, tested with full-scale mock-ups by users of different sizes and needs.

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